Welcome Back to School / Bienvenidos de regreso a clase
- MMSD calendar / MMSD Calendario
- School supply lists / Listas de útiles para el ciclo escolar
- Lunch menus
- Elementary School Report Cards: Information for Families / Boletas de calificaciones de la primaria: Información para las familias
- District and school-specific policy guides
- Behavior Education Plan / Plan Educativo de Conducta
Kindergarten | 1st Grade | 2nd Grade | 3rd Grade | 4th Grade | 5th Grade |
Maestra Laylin Flores | Maestra Suzanne Bray | Maestra Sol Barahona | Maestra Laurie Ojeda | Maestra Luz Celedon | Maestra Kristen Scott |
Maestra Laura Gibson | Vacant | Maestra Elizabeth Fontán | Maestra Sarah Joleen Niesen Scott | Maestra Cecilia Font Araiza | Maestra Lizette Shaffer-Altamirano |
Maestra Natalie Trivinos | Maestra Wendy Samacá | Maestra Brenda Rodriguez | Maestra Beatriz Risco Arias |
Bilingual Resource Teachers: Jane Danley (KG and 2nd Grade), Sarah Meier (3rd and 5th Grade), Luz Burkard (1st Grade)
ESL Teacher: Erin Kerwin (5th Grade)
Special Education Teachers: Valerie Klessig-Palm (KG, 2nd, and 3rd Grades), Eric Wallin (1st, 4th, and 5th Grades), Gina Nolan (Speech and Language Therapist K-5)
Reading Interventionist/Instructional Coach: Julia Ketterer
Instructional Coach: Emily Zoeller
Music: Bob Curley
Art: Anne Seeber
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics): David Fawcett
Other new staff include: - Wayne Viner, Physical Education (replacing Mary Joyce) -Hollis Rudiger, Library Media Specialist/Technology teacher (replacing Candice Gosdeck)