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Madison Metropolitan School District

Volunteer Opportunities

Thank you for taking the time to consider volunteering at our school. Our school hours are 8:30 – 1:50 pm on Mondays and 8:30 – 3:22 pm Tuesday – Friday. We are always looking for people to volunteer in our classrooms or support other areas of our school. Some of the areas that we need volunteers for are:

  • Classrooms 
  • Reading to Students
  • Library
  • Bookroom
  • Lunchroom/Recess Duty
  • Office Support

If you are interested in volunteering at our school please call (608) 204-1079. Please print the Volunteer Application and Disclosure Statement, fill out the form and sign the Disclosure Statement and give us a brief description of your volunteer interests. 

You can mail it to:

Nuestro Mundo Community School

902 Nichols Rd.

Monona, WI  53716

Or Fax it to (608) 442-2532