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Madison Metropolitan School District

Join the Special Education Advisory Council

Join the Special Education Advisory Council

The Special Education Advisory Council (SEAC) is seeking new members. You are cordially invited to apply.

Applications are due by May 24, and new members will be notified of their selection on May 31. The last meeting of this school year will be held on June 5, from 5 - 7 p.m., and new members are requested to attend this meeting. Meetings will be held every other month, starting in September, during the 2024-25 school year. 

As a member of this council, the expectation is to attend six bi-monthly meetings that will last 2 hours. Members may miss no more than two meetings per year. The meeting day will likely be on Wednesday or Thursday in the early evening. There will be a virtual and in-person attendance option. 

If you are interested in serving on the council, please fill out the application form linked in this document.

Application Form